Movie set in the Galician Town
| On Sep05,2018
As a part of work on our documentary, the Young Ambassadors spent Tuesday, January 26th, on a movie set in Galician Town, traveling through time tot he first decades of the 20th century
In 1996 the Shalom Foundation has created a touching exhibition entitled “And I still se their faces. Images of Polish Jews” It presented photographs, that captured the images of fathers, mothers, children, friends, smart dressing ladies, jokers, soldiers, romantic beauties, poor old men and peculiar actors. Beautiful personal portraits, class photos, family photos; testimony of a world once filled with a hum of voices, generations’ tradition, dreams for the future, world, that has been doomed to destruction – because it was the Jewsih world.
Within the “Sądecki Sztetl – Young Ambassadors of Tolerance” project young people of Sądecczyna and Gorlice region takes part in a series of activities, that alolowe them to learn the past and history of Jewish people, who once lived in great numbers in the region. One element of the project is also a documentary, reporting the course of the project. It will premier in March in Nowy Sącz. The photographs below document the movie set organized in the photographic atelier in the Galician Town in nowy Sącz. Young people inspired by the photographs of Polish Jews decided to animate their history and embody the clients of the photographic atelier from the first decades of the 20th century.
Contact with the past such as this, filled with positive energy that comes from working together, “switching the era”, embodying the happy people from the past, that looked hopefully into the future, makes us reflect even more on the tragedy that was brought by the World War II and the Holocaust.
Movie set for the “Young ambassadors of Tolerance” documentary, 1/26/2016, Galician Town, Nowy Sącz. Dir. by Barbara Szewczyk, camera: Przemysław Brynkiewicz
Starring Karolina Kowalczyk, Monika Woźniak, Bartek Wolak, Przemek Smoła, Sławek Korzym, Iwona Grybel, Klaudia Matuła, Julia Cisak, Katarzyna Gruca, Kamila Gryboś, Agnieszka Hotloś, Walentyna Tarasek, Weronika Mędoń i project coordinator Maciej Walasek – as the photographer. Hairstyling: Renata Popiół (Rene hairdressing salon), Costume department: M.Molenda, Justyna Stasik, Karolina Kowalczyk.