5th Autumn Yeshiva – an educational programme
| On Oct08,2018We invite you on Friday, December 1, 2017 for the 5th Autumn Yeshiva programme. This time we will host dr Marek Tuszewicki, who will introduce us to the world of kabbalah and Jewish folk magic.
5th Autumn Yeshiva programme:
10:30 Sichrawa Auditorium, MCK SOKÓŁ
lecture “Kabbalah and Jewish folk magic – from birth to death” dr Marek Tuszewicki
17:30 Fireplace room, MCK SOKÓŁ
promotional meeting of the book “Frog under the tongue: Ashkenazi Jewish folk medicine of the break of 19th and 20th centuries” and meeting with its author, dr Marek Tuszewicki
Lecture seat reservation for organized groups and individual listeners: tel. 18 44 82 641, e.giza@mcksokol.pl
Admission free!
Dr Marek Tuszewicki is an adjunct in the Jewish History Institute and acts as didactic vice-director of the Judaistic Instyute of the Jagiellonian University. His research interests encompass folk culture of the Ashkenazi Jews with particular reference to folk medicine, yiddish language, Jewish literature of the break of 19th and 20th centuries as well as history and culture of chasidism. Teaches yiddish language since 2008 and works as an editor of CWISZN, Jewish quarterly magazine about litearutre and art. Dr Tuszewicki works with many academic and societal institutions in Poland. His an author and editor of numerous publications, including the “Frog under the tongue: Ashkenazi Jewish folk medicine of the break of 19th and 20th centuries” (Kraków, 2015).