Join us on our extraordinary journey to the worlds of history, imagination and beauty together with Nomina Rosae Foundation Early Culture Garden.
We re-discover and propagate the richness of polish history and culture – to achieve that goal we have benn for years creating unique educational and artistic programmes, that combine the delivery of historical knowledge with a captivating artistic setting. We work with museums, cultural institutions, research workers and artists in Poland and abroad.
As a part of Foundation there exists an Atelier of Recreation of Historical Garments and Costumes and the historical theatre – one-off in Poland.
We conduct research, educational and artistic work, i. a. by our exceptional “Labyrinth of History” programme as well as by lectures, workshops, exhibitions and various events.
Come, take a look at our rich and diverse offer.
Developing our mission further, thanks to our regular donators we are right now starting an exceptional programme “Jagiellons”. We are also raising the Institute for Research on Polish Dress which is aimed at research and promotion of polish culture.
Thanks to generous support of our donators and contributors we can develop and create new events – join us and let’s take care of cultivation of the garden of our history and culture together.