We are returning to Pieskowa Skała. 12th Old Polish Culture Days
| On Jun03,2019On the next Saturday and Sunday (8–9 July) at the Pieskowa Skała Castle the 12th Old Polish Culture Days will be held. entitled “Everybody to the wedding, or how Hieronymus Szafraniec married the king’s daughter”, in which responsible for the popular scientific and artistic parts are: Nomina Rosae Foundation, Nomina Rosae Theatre, Jane Austen Dance School and Nowy Sącz New Theatre.
On Saturday – from 11.00 AM to 5.00 PM – we invite you for Renaissance dance shows, dancing mini-workshops and popular scientific lectures about Renaissance fashion in Poland, given by Maria Molenda, president of our Foundation. On Sunday we invite – also from 11.00 AM – for Renaissance dramatic-dancing scenes, telling the story of the wedding and of the dwellers of the castle.
The scenes were preapred by the Nomina Rosae Theatre, Jane Austen Dance School and Nowy Sączu New Theatre.
11.00–11.40 Inauguration of 12th Old Polish Culture Days in the Pieskowa Skała Castle
Performers presentation; Reneissance dances show; Games with the audience – miniworkshop of Renaissance dance
inner courtyard
12.00–12.30 In saios and berets – a story of Renaissance fashion in Poland
lecture – dr Maria Molenda
ground floor castle room
12.40–13.30 Renaissance dance show
Games with the audience – miniworkshop of Renaissance dances
Story about dancing in the 16th century – Maja Zawada
inner courtyard
13.40–14.10 In saios and berets – a story of Renaissance fashion in Poland
lectura – dr Maria Molenda
ground floor castle room
14.30–15.00 Renaissance dance show
Games with the audience – miniworkshop of Renaissance dances
inner courtyard
15.00–15.30 In saios and berets – a story of Renaissance fashion in Poland
lecture – dr Maria Molenda
ground floor castle room
15.45–16.15 Renaissance dance show
Games with the audience – miniworkshop of Renaissance dances
Story about dancing in the 16th century – Maja Zawada
inner courtyard
16.30–17.00 In saios and berets – a story of Renaissance fashion in Poland
lecture – dr Maria Molenda
ground floor castle room
17.15 Renaissance dance show
Programme ends.
Performers: Nomina Rosae Foundation Early Culture Garden and Jane Austen Dance School
SUNDAY 11.00–17.00
11.00–11.30 Greeting the audience, Performers presentation: Nomina Rosae Foundation Early Culture Garden and Jane Austen Dance School
11.45–12.00 “Something will happen here – When Mikołaj Rej composed epigrams for the ladies-in-waiting”
dramatic-dance scene – inner courtyard
12.15–12.30 “Maidens and cavaliers” and „Renaissance bride”
dramatic-dance scene – inner courtyard
12.45–13.00 “The castle dwellers greet king Sigismund I and queen Bona”
dramatic-dance scene – inner courtyard
13.15–13.30 “Wedding of royal daughter Regina with Hieronymus Szafraniec”
dramatic-dance scene – inner courtyard
13.45-14.15 In saios and berets – a story of Renaissance fashion in Poland
lecture – dr Maria Molenda
ground floor castle room
14.30–15.00 Renaissance dance show
games with the audience – miniworkshop of Renaissance dances
Story about dancing in the 16th century – Maja Zawada
inner courtyard
15.15–15.30 “Something will happen here – When Mikołaj Rej composed epigrams for the ladies-in-waiting”
dramatic-dance scene
15.45-16.00 “Maidens and cavaliers”, „Renaissance bride”
dramatic-dance scene
16.15–16.30 “The castle dwellers greet king Sigismund I and queen Bona”
dramatic-dance scene
16.45–17.00 “Wedding of royal daughter Regina with Hieronymus Szafraniec”
dramatic-dance scene
17.00 Renaissance dance show
Programme conclusion
See also the event’s page on Facebook.