Tag Archives: 15th century
Nowy Sącz in the times of the Jagiellons
| On Oct15,2018We invite you for a lecture by Michał Zacłona, prized history teacher from Sącz, teaching in the 1st Middle and High School, entitled “Nowy Sącz in the time of the Jagiellons”. The lecture opens a new Foundation’s programme entitled “Stories of Sącz” and it will take place on 12.06.2015 at 18.00 at the 21 Pijarska str., in the Evangelical-Augsburg Church – Transfiguration of Jesus Parish in Nowy Sącz.
+ więcejJagiellonian “Szuba” furgowns
| On Sep04,2018Jagiellonian furgowns. A tale of the most precious royal pieces of clothing from Władysław Jagiełło to Sigismund II Augustus. Lecture given by dr Maria Molenda on 19.12.2012 in the Royal Castle in Warsaw. On the same day dr Maria Molenda also gave a seminar for teachers called “Court’s splendour. Clothing of the Jagiellons in 15th and 16th century”. Lectures were part of the events surrounding the Europa Jagiellonica 1386-1572 exgibition.
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