Tag Archives: 2012
7th Labyrinth of History. Moscow 1612
| On Sep04,2018Zakończyła się siódma edycja programu Labirynt Historii. W tym roku jego tematyka ogniskowała się wokół polskiej zbrojnej wyprawy na Moskwę w poczatkach XVII wieku.
+ więcejOpening of the “Time of conflicts” exhibition
| On Sep04,201820 kwietnia o godzinie 17.00 w Muzeum Okręgowym w Nowym Sączu odbył się wernisaż wystawy „Czas konfliktów. Rzeczpospolita i Moskwa na przełomie XVI i XVII”. Publiczność wysłuchała krótkiego wspólnego wykładu Beaty Biedrońskiej-Słotowej i dr Marii Molendy na temat mody polskiej i rosyjskiej w czasach dymitriad.
+ więcejChasidim – exhibition of photographs by Piotr Droździk
| On Sep04,2018From 14th April in the Old Synagogue Gallery (Regional Museum in Nowy Sącz) an exhibition of extraordinary photographs authored by Piotr Droździk, documenting the religious practices of Chasidic Jews is available for visiting.
+ więcejA series of lectures by dr Maria Molenda “Under the coat of darkness – stories of amazing costumes of phantoms of human imagination”
| On Sep04,2018In November 2011 and February 2012 in the Gallery of 19th Century Polish Art in Sukiennice dr Maria Molenda gave four lectures dedicated to the symbolics of clothing in 19th-century and the beginning of 20th-century paintings, steampunk fashion inspired by the 19th century and i.a., costumes from gothic novels and movies.
+ więcej“Among the mysteries of the city and the people”
| On Sep04,2018In December 2011 in the city hall a display of ten attires, presenting well-known and less known characters from the history of Nowy Sącz was opened. The exhibition was carried out thanks to the donation given by the city of Nowy Sącz.
+ więcejWhat a wonderful world. Multimedia journey through music and art of the 19th and 20th centuries
| On Sep04,2018“What a wonderful world…” is an educational project, crowned with a concert by Miroslaw Witkowski, connected with vocal workshops and short historical presentations. It has premiered on 16. September 2011 in an auditorium of the Public Music School in Nowy Sącz.
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