Tag Archives: 2015
Early Fashion Charm exhibition
| On Oct15,2018From August to October the first exhibition in the House of History was open. On it we’ve presented the recreated early garments. Starting with the Middle Ages, ending with the late 19th century, the visitors could have emraked on a journey through eras gone-by.
+ więcejLittle Renaissance – meeting Renaissance culture
| On Oct15,2018LITTLE RENAISSANCE – meeting the renaissance culture took place in the HOUSE OF HISTORY on August 16th, 2015. The guests saw two theatrical etudes inspired by the „Dekameron”, listened to the story of Renaissance houses, and finally met with the actor Jan Korwin Kochanowski, who revealed the secrets of Renaissance sonnets.
+ więcej3rd Golden Afternoon
| On Oct15,2018On September 19th the time machine started in the Śmiłowice Palacetaking all of the guests into the world of the Golden Afternoon. This year our Golden Afternoon was, because of the weather, a little gray, but thankfully, the beautiful costumes of the participants and rich afternoon programme heated the atmosphere.
+ więcejThe Personalities of the 1815 Congress. Contest!
| On Oct15,2018The “Prsonalities of the 1815 Congress” contestis over! We thank all of the participants for sending in their entries. Today we publish the contest committee minutes. The awards ceremony will take place at the MCK SOKÓŁ on November 25th at 11:30.
+ więcej“When words kill. About freedom and human rights”
| On Oct10,2018On December 10th, the International Day for Human Rights in Oświęcim the 2nd International Conference for youth, students and doctoral students was organized under the title “About freedom and human rights. WHEN WORDS KILL”. Young Ambassadors of Tolerance also took part in it as listeners.
+ więcejYoung Ambassador’s Blog
| On Sep05,2018At our first organizational meeting we’ve decided, that the Young Ambassadors of Tolerance will take over the https://klubsztetl.wordpress.com/ambasadorzy/ blog, where they’ll write about their activities, experiences and events within the project.
+ więcej2nd Autumn Yeshiva
| On Sep05,2018On 25th November come and take part in the second Autumn Yeshiva. This year we will be talking about Jewish cemeteries and also meet Adam Bartosz, an author of a book dedicated to Chasidic centres of Lesser Poland.
+ więcej4th and 5th Stories of Sącz events
| On Sep05,2018Come to the House of History for two events of the “Stories of Sącz” series. On 11th November at 4.00 PM Łukasz Połomski will tell the story of how the independence was welcomed in Nowy Sącz in 1918. On 19th Nove,ber dr Maria Molenda will unveil the secrets of city’s fashion from the late Middle Ages to the 1920s.
+ więcejZenon Remi. Architect of Nowy Sącz. Lecture within the Stories of Sącz series
| On Sep05,2018The hero of the third lecture within the “The Stories of Sącz” will be Zenon Remi, excellent architect from Nowy Sącz of the break of 19th and 20th centuries.
+ więcejPolitical Games. Congress of Vienna 1815
| On Sep05,2018The 10th jubilee Labyrinth of History has ended. This year the programme was dedicated to the Congress of Vienna. Congress, held after the fall of Napoleon, was to settle the new order of forces in Europe. It was an event of immense importance in the history of Europe. The congress has set the foundations for the relative harmony between the states, that has been destroyed only by the outbreak of the World War I.
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