Tag Archives: Labyrinth of History
Reformation month in Nowy Sącz
| On Oct08,2018We invite you for events dedicated to the 500-year anniversary of Reformation! In October we will have in Nowy Sącz many interesting and important scholarly, educational and religious initiatives. Particularly important events will take place at the end of the month.
+ więcej12th Labyrinth of History
| On Oct08,2018From October 19th th 26th we invite to Nowy Sącz for a unique educational programme “Labyrinth of History”. This year’s, 12th Labyrinth entitled “Between obedience and searching. The history of religion” was inspired by the 500th anniversary of the reformation. The Labyrinth of History is a unique cultural and educational programme dedicated to historyorganized for over 12 years in Nowy Sącz. It’s goal is to deepen the knowledge and support the development of young people as independently thinking, active citizens.
+ więcejPolitical Games. Congress of Vienna 1815
| On Sep05,2018The 10th jubilee Labyrinth of History has ended. This year the programme was dedicated to the Congress of Vienna. Congress, held after the fall of Napoleon, was to settle the new order of forces in Europe. It was an event of immense importance in the history of Europe. The congress has set the foundations for the relative harmony between the states, that has been destroyed only by the outbreak of the World War I.
+ więcejLabyrinth’s contest resolved!
| On Sep05,2018The “Family 1914–1918” contest organized within this year’s Labyrinth of History was resolved and we have awarded the 4 winners with prizes on November 18th in the SOKÓŁ Lesser Poland Cultural Centre. The “Family 1914–1918” contest aimed especially at young people, consisted of preparing a literary work in the form of an essay, interview, fabularized story or any other revolving around the topic “Family in the face of war” and which was supposed to be about war experiences of the
+ więcejThe 9th Labyrinth of History
| On Sep05,2018Between May 26th and 29th, 2015 the 9th Labyrinth of History took place. This year’s main theme were family histories during the period of World War I. See the photo gallery.
+ więcejCostume film-making workshops
| On Sep05,2018As a part of 7th Labyrinth of History a dozen of young people took part in a costume filmmaking workshops lead by Barbara Szewczyk, a graduate of National Film School in Łódź, a director and an enthusiast of costume history. A movie entitled “The pharmacist’s four victims” was created in the interiors of Galician Town in Nowy Sącz. We thank the District Museum in Nowy Sącz for a permission to produce the movie and for help. We also reccomend “Karczma
+ więcej8th Labyrinth of History
| On Sep04,2018On 20–22nd and 24th May 2013 in MCK SOKÓŁ the 7th Labirynth of History took place named “To grasp. To keep. To not forget. 150th anniversary of the January Uprising” During the programme young people could take part in lectures, panel discussions, workshops, a contest and a hip-hop concert inspired by the subject of January Uprising.
+ więcejThe Labyrinth of History website
| On Sep04,2018Thanks to a grant from the Polish History Museum, which was a part of the “Patriotism of Tomorrow” programme the Labyrinth of History has gained its new webpage www.labirynthistorii.pl We hope it may become a valuable teaching aid for students, teachers and indivuduals interested in history.
+ więcej7th Labyrinth of History. Moscow 1612
| On Sep04,2018Zakończyła się siódma edycja programu Labirynt Historii. W tym roku jego tematyka ogniskowała się wokół polskiej zbrojnej wyprawy na Moskwę w poczatkach XVII wieku.
+ więcejOpening of the “Time of conflicts” exhibition
| On Sep04,201820 kwietnia o godzinie 17.00 w Muzeum Okręgowym w Nowym Sączu odbył się wernisaż wystawy „Czas konfliktów. Rzeczpospolita i Moskwa na przełomie XVI i XVII”. Publiczność wysłuchała krótkiego wspólnego wykładu Beaty Biedrońskiej-Słotowej i dr Marii Molendy na temat mody polskiej i rosyjskiej w czasach dymitriad.
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