Dramatis personae

“Dramatis personae”, or “who is who?” in the Foundation.

She accomplished her master’s studies in the History Institute of the Jagiellonian University. She studied in France at the University of Orléans within the Sokrates-Erasmus programme, intensively concentrating on the history of clothing and consulting with employees of the Museum of Fashion in Paris. During her master’s studies she also took internship in the national archive in Levoča, Slovakia. Her master’s thesis “Konrad Sperfogel and his Chronicle. Sketches of Levoča’s history” described a picture of urban life of the turn and in the first half of 16th century. During her doctoral studies she took internship in the Textile Department of the National Museum in Kraków, under the supervision of dr Beata Biedrońska-Słotowa. She earned her doctor’s degree thanks to her thesis “Attires of polish royal court in the period of 1447-1572”. She taught a course on the history of medieval clothing in the Institute of History of the Jagiellonian Univeristy. Currently, she gives lectures and leads workshops in the field of costume history for museums and educational institutions. She deals with history of clothing and textiles, with special consideration to the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Se also directs the works of the atelier for historical garments recreation and costume of the Nomina Rosae Foundation.


Scientific papers
  • Una gonella di raso cermesi con l’arbori di cerque d’oro. Wyprawa śluba królowej Bony jako bezcenny przekaz kulturowy doby renesansu, Osviecimensis. kroniki Zamkowe, Oświęcim 2013,89-105 (eng: “Queen Bona’s trousseau as a priceless cultural message of the time of Renaissance”)
  • Garderoba rycerska – o modzie męskiej w czasach Olbrachta Łaskiego, Pol’ska rodina Lasky a Kezmarok. Zbornik z odbornej konferencie, Kezmarok 2012, p. 94-106. (eng: “Knightly wardrobe – men’s fashion in the times of Olbracht Łaski”)
  • Garments and textiles in Creating the Splendour of Jagiełło and Witold’s Courts, [in:] Jogailo ir Vytauto laikai. Mokslinių straipsnių rinkinys, skirtas Žakgirio mūšio 600-osimos metinėms, Kaunas 2011, p. 152-160.
  • Moda męska w czasach Kazimierza Wielkiego, [in:] , Kazimierz – sławny i z czynów wielki, Kraków 2011, p.105-108. (eng. “Men’s fashion in the times of Casimir III the Great”)
  • Znaczenie i funkcje płaszczy królewskich w Polsce w XIV i XV, [in:] Cztery studia o heraldyce, epigrafice i kostiumologii, pod red. Andrzeja Marca, Kraków 2010, p. 27-49. (eng: “Significance and functions of royal coats in Poland in 14th and 15th centuries”)
  • Ubiory w wyprawie ślubnej Zofii Jagiellonki, córki Zygmunta I. Przyczynek do historii garderoby Jagiellonów w XVI w. [in:] Amicissima. Studia Magdalenae Piwocka oblata, Cracoviae MMX, p. 159-163. (eng: “Garments in the trousseau of Sophia Jagiellon, daughter of Sigismundus I)
  • Ubiory Elżbiety Habsburżanki pierwszej żony Zygmunta Augusta [in:] Miasta, ludzie, instytucje, znaki. Księga jubileuszowa ofiarowana Profesor Bożenie Wyrozumskiej w 75. rocznicę urodzin, ed. by Zenona Piecha, Kraków 2008, p. 105-119.(eng: Clothing of Elizabeth of Austria, first wife of Sigismundus Augusts)
  • Ubiory Piastów Brzeskich jako środek manifestacji ich książęcej pozycji. co-authored)[in:] Historia Piastów. Piastowie w historii. Z okazji 300-lecia śmierci ostatniej z rodu, księżnej Karoliny, ed. by B. Czechowicza, Brzeg 2008, p. 193-206. (eng: “Clothes of Brzesko Piasts as a mean of manifesting their positions as dukes”)
  • Moda w czasach konfederacji barskiej, [in:] „Zeszyty spisko-sądeckie”, T.III, Nowy Sącz 2008, p. 89-94. (eng: “Fashion in the times of Bar Confederation”)
  • Konrad Sperfogel. Próba przybliżenia postaci lewockiego rychtarza i rajcy, „Acta Musei Scepusiensis”, 2007, p. 53- 80. (eng: “Konrad Sperfogel. An attempt at presenting the character of a judge and council member of Levoca
  • On pearl garments’ decoration in Medieval and Renaissance Poland, [in:] Costume: Design and Decoration. ICOM’s Costume Committee Proceedings from the 58th Annual Conference 9-13th October 2006 Copenhagen, Denmark and Lund, Sweden, edited by Katja Johansen, Gylling 2007, p. 97-102.
  • Ubiór w Małopolsce w XV i w I połowie XVI wieku na podstawie małopolskiego malarstwa tablicowego, „Kwartalnik Historii Kultury Materialnej”, 2006, LIV, nr 2, p. 151-193. (eng: “Clothing in Lesser Poland in th 15th and early 16th centuries based on Lesser Poland table painting”)
  • Elegancja średniowiecza splendor renesansu, katalog wystawy rekonstrukcji ubiorów historycznych od XIII do początku XVII wieku. (co-authored), Muzeum Okręgowe w Nowym Sączu, Nowy Sącz 2004. (eng: “Medieval elegance, Renaissance splendour. Folder of the exhibition of recreated historical attires from 13th to earl 17th century”)
  • Tailor’s Books in Polish archives (co-authored)[in:] Crossroads of Costume and Textiles in Poland. Papers from the International Conference of the ICOM Costume Committee at the National Museum in Cracow, Cracow 2005, p. 59-64.
Popular scientific works
  • Karczma wiejska i małomiasteczkowa [in:] Dzień powszedni w małym miasteczku, Nowy Sącz 2011, p. 75-78. (eng: “Normal day in a little town”)
  • Theatrum Mulierum, broszura z wystawy odtworzonych ubiorów dawnych, Muzeum Okręgowe w Nowym Sączu, Nowy Sącz, 2009. (eng: “Theatrum mulierum, a brochure from the exhibition of recreated early garments”)
  • Wystawa Theatrum Mulierum [in:] „Kurier regionalny”, nr 2, luty 2009, s. 16-17. (eng: “Theatrum Mulierum exhibition”)
  • Elegancia stredoveku a nadhera renesancie, katalog vystavy, Spišske Muzeum v Levoči, Košice 2003. (eng: “Medieval elegance, Renaissance splendor, exhibition folder”)
  • Stary Sącz na średniowiecznych szlakach handlowych, Kurier Starosądecki, 2002. (eng: “Stary Sącz on the medieval trade routes”)

Graduate of linguistic specialization of Russian Philology at Institute of Eastern-slavic Philologies of Jagiellonian Univeristy. Professionally – translator/interpeter and proofreader. Considers himself a Renaissance Man, humanist in its original understanding, constantly strives for unbounded widening of his horizons. His interests include questions of broadly understood culture (music, film, history) and popculture as well as disciplines such as biology, chemistry, geology, anatomy, psychology, sociology, criminology, astronomy or astrophysics. He is mainly concerned with studies of language and translation (he fluently speaks – besides Polish – Russian and English, in a lesser degree German, studies basics of French, Japanese, Spanish, Ukrainian and Hebrew).

Since 2008 he’s a member of the translating team of SLOT Art Festiwal, since 2013 he is the team leader. With Nomina Rosae Foundation since 2010, he works helping organize most of Foundation’s activities, coordinates most of the projects and is actively involved in carrying out almost all of them, additionaly responsible for foreign contacts.

He’s the director of the Golden Afternoon, a stylish 19th-century picnic held by the Foundation every years since 2013 in old palaces and manor houses of Lesser Poland

Dr Łukasz Połomski is a graduate of Pedagogical University of Kraków. In 2018 he received a PhD degree in the 19th-century history institue. A teacher by profession. He’s an author of several scientific and popular scientific papers in the regional and all-Polish press. He’s a member of Polish Historical Society in Nowy Sącz. He works with Regional Museum in Nowy Sącz and with Voivodeship Pedagogical Library in organization of educational and scientific conferences. His main interests include the history of Nowy Sącz in galician authonomy period and the inter-war period, the history and culture of minorities: German, Romani and particularily Jewish. For several years he organizes walks in footsteps of Jewish citizens in Nowy Sącz.


Scientific papers
  • Elity wsi sądeckiej w latach autonomii galicyjskiej, „Roczniki Ludowego Towarzystwa Naukowo-Kulturalnego Oddział w Krakowie”, nr 12/13, Kraków 2014, p. 200 – 222. (eng: “Elites of villages of Sącz in the years of galician authonomy”)
  • Mądrości Cadyka, [in:] Remembering for the future Historia Żydów na Sądecczyźnie: konteksty – nawiązania – refleksje, Nowy Sącz 2016, p. 56 – 57. (eng: “The wisdoms of the tzaddik”
  • Nowosądeckie drukarnie i księgarnie prowadzone przez Żydów, „Rocznik Sądecki”, tom XLIV, Nowy Sącz 2016, p. 61 – 70. (eng: Jewish printworks and bookshops in Nowy Sącz”)
  • Nowosądecka Rada i Wydział Powiatowy „pod rządami chłopów” w 1909 roku, „Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Historica XV”, Kraków 2013, p. 103 – 120. (eng: “Nowy Sącz Council and Poviat Branch “under the people’s rule” in 1909″)
  • Nowosądeckie rody historyków. Ringelblum – Eisenbach – Mahler, „Kwartalnik Historii Żydów” nr 4 (256), Warszawa 2015. (eng: “Historian families of Nowy Sącz. Ringelblum – Eisenbach – Mahler”)
  • Relacje polsko-żydowskie na Sądecczyźnie w okresie międzywojennym, „Rocznik Sądecki”, tom XLII, Nowy Sącz 2014, s. 65 – 92 (eng: “Polish-Jewish relationships in Sądecczyzna region in the inter-war period”)
  • Stereotyp Żyda na wsi sądeckiej w okresie międzywojennym, „Roczniki Ludowego Towarzystwa Naukowo-Kulturalnego Oddział w Krakowie”, nr 14/15, Kraków 2016, p. 104 – 115. (eng: “Stereotype of a Jew in villages of Sącz in the intr-war period”)
  • Hampel Józef, Średniawa Kazimierz Paweł (1889-1968), „Polski Słownik Biograficzny”, z. 209 (T. 51/2), Kraków 2016, p. 167 – 168.
  • Wielokulturowa Ziemia Sądecka, [in:] Remembering for the future Historia Żydów na Sądecczyźnie: konteksty – nawiązania – refleksje, Nowy Sącz 2016, p. 68 – 82. (eng: “Multicultural Sądecczyzna Land”
  • Wizerunek Cygana w polskojęzycznej prasie galicyjskiej i międzywojennej, „Studia Romologica”, nr 5, Tarnów 2012, p. 257 – 270. (eng: “Image of a Gypsy in a Polish-language galician and inter-war press”)
  • Żydzi sądeccy – 500 lat wspólnej historii, [in:] Remembering for the future. Historia Żydów na Sądecczyźnie: konteksty – nawiązania – refleksje, Nowy Sącz 2016, p. 22 – 55 (eng: “Jewish people of Sącz – 500 years of history together”).
Popular scientific works
  • I Gimnazjum i Liceum im. Jana Długosza w zbiorach Archiwum Narodowego w Krakowie Oddział w Nowym Sączu, „Almanach sądecki”, R. XXIV 1/2 (90/91), Nowy Sącz 2015, p. 18 – 22. (eng: “Jan Długosz 1st Middle and High School in the collections of National Archive in Kraków, Nowy Sącz Branch”)
  • Action Reinhardt, „Sądeczanin”, nr 4 (51), Kwiecień 2012, p. 80.
  • Bełżec – tam zniknął żydowski Nowy Sącz, „Sądeczanin”, nr 7 (86), Wrzesień 2015, p. 91 – 91.(eng: “Bełżec – that’s where the Jewish Nowy Sącz disappeared”)
  • Bitwa o Limanową, „Sądeczanin”, nr 3 (72), Maj 2014, p. 72 – 74. (eng: “Battle of Limanowa”)
  • Był świat, nie ma świata…, „Mówią Wieki”, nr 6 (629), Czerwiec 2012,p. 18 – 21. (eng: “There was a world, the world is gone”)
  • Chaim Halberstam, [in:] „Zachowajmy w pamięci. Katalog wystawy”, Nowy Sącz 2015, p. 24 – 25.
  • Chaim znaczy życie, „Sądeczanin”, nr 5 (52), Maj 2012, s. 82. (eng: “Chaim means life”)
  • Dla Ciebie Polsko i chwały Twojej. Stanisław Wideł (1925-1953), „Sądeczanin”, nr 8 (67), Październik 2013, p. 85 – 87. (eng: “For You Poland and Your glory. Stanisław Wideł (1925-1953)”)
  • Drogi do wolności sądeckich weteranów 1863 roku, „Sądeczanin”, nr 3 (62), Maj 2013, p. 80 – 84. (eng: “Roads to freedom of veterans from Sącz”)
  • Gloria Victis, „Sądeczanin”, nr 3 (61), Kwiecień 2013, p. 75 – 79.
  • Historia zapomnianego ułana. Jan Świder 1912 – 1942, „Sądeczanin”, nr 1 (49), Styczeń/Luty 2012, p. 50 – 53. (eng: “A story of a forgoten ułan. Jan Świder 1912 – 1942”)
  • Julian Dunajewski, [in:] „Sądeczanie znani i nieznani. Katalog wystawy”, Nowy Sącz 2012, p. 22 – 23.
  • Karol Slavik, [in:] „Sądeczanie znani i nieznani. Katalog wystawy”, Nowy Sącz 2012, p. 40 – 41.
  • Kiedy wybiła godzina niepodległości, „Sądeczanin”, nr 9 (78), Grudzień 2014, s. 80 – 83. (eng: “When the hour of independence came”)
  • Ks. Alojzy Góralik, [in:] „Sądeczanie znani i nieznani. Katalog wystawy”, Nowy Sącz 2012, p. 24 – 25.
  • Ks. Jan Sygański, [in:] „Sądeczanie znani i nieznani. Katalog wystawy”, Nowy Sącz 2012, p. 44 – 45.
  • Legiony w Nowym Sączu, „Sądeczanin”, nr 8 (77), Październik 2014, p. 71 – 74 (eng: “Legions in Nowy Sącz”).
  • Małe Verdun, „Sądeczanin”, nr 5 (74), Lipiec 2014, p. 85 – 87. (eng: “Little Verdun”)
  • Moje miasteczko Sącz. Wspomnienia Albina Kaca, „Sądeczanin”, nr 11 (47), Listopad 2011, t. 87 – 91. (eng: “My city Sącz. Memories of Albin Kac”)
  • Nowy Sącz i Ziemia Sądecka u progu wielkiej wojny, „Sądeczanin”, nr 1 (70), Marzec 2014, p. 88 – 91. (eng: “Nowy Sącz and the Sądecka Land at the threshold of the great war”)
  • Nowy Sącz pępkiem świata, „Sądeczanin”, nr 4 (73), Czerwiec 2014, p. 85 – 87. (eng: “Nowy Sącz – the navel of the world”)
  • Od arystokraty po chłopa – historie wojenne sądeczan, „Sądeczanin”, nr 10 (79), Grudzień 2014, p. 79 – 81. (eng: “From an aristocrat to a peasant – Sącz war stories”)
  • Od Kapituły do proboszcza Pstruszyńskiego, „Sądeczanin”, nr 2 (81), Kwiecień 2015, p. 87 –90. (eng: “From the Chapter to the Pstruszyński vicar”)
  • Odnowiono cmentarz żydowski, „Sądeczanin”, nr 11 (58), Listopad 2012, s. 89. (eng: “The Jewish cemetery was renovated”)
  • Ostatni szabas przy Jagiellońskiej. Wspomnienie o Jakubie Müllerze w pierwszą rocznicę śmierci, „Sądeczanin”, nr 12 (48), Grudzień 2011, p. 58 – 61. (eng: “Last sabbath at Jagiellońska str. Remembering Jakub Müller on the first anniversary of his death”)
  • Pociągi do niepodległości, „Sądeczanin”, nr 7 (76), Wrzesień 2014, s. 66 – 69. (eng: “Trains to station independence”)
  • Sądecki minister zwany premierem. Sądeckie ślady Juliana Dunajewskiego, „Wehikuł Czasu”, nr 12, marzec 2011, s. 18 – 21. (eng: “A minister called prime minister from Sącz. Julian Dunajewski’s traces in the city”)
  • Sądeckie obchody 50. Rocznicy powstania styczniowego, „Sądeczanin”, nr 4 (63), Czerwiec 2013, p. 88 – 92. (“50th anniversary of the January Uprising in Sącz”)
  • Sądeckie państwo podziemne 1863, „Sądeczanin”, nr 1 (60), Marzec 2013, p. 70 – 73. (eng: “Underground state in Sącz”)
  • Sądeczanki wobec wielkiej wojny, „Sądeczanin”, nr 6 (75), Sierpień 2014, p. 78 – 80. (eng: “Women of Sącz in face of the great war”)
  • Ślady powstania 1863 roku na Ziemi Sądeckiej, „Sądeczanin”, nr 5 (64), Lipiec 2013, p. 88 – 90. (eng: “Traces of the year 1863 in Sącz Land”)
  • Wojenne historie naszych pradziadów, „Sądeczanin”, nr 7 (66), Wrzesień 2013, p. 78 – 80 (eng: “War stories of our grandfathers”).
  • Wojska carskie w Nowym Sączu, „Sądeczanin”, nr 2 (71), Kwiecień 2014, p. 86 – 89. (eng: “Tzar’s armies in Nowy Sącz”)
  • Wyrzeźbił stopy ukochanej. Podhalańsko-sądeckie wątki z życia Augusta Zamoyskiego, „Sądeczanin”, nr 10 (46), Październik 2011, p. 85 – 87. (eng: “He sculpted the feet of his beloved. Podhale and Sącz periods of August Zamoyski’s life”)
  • Zła z ręki Boga nie przyjęliśmy. Żydowski bunt przeciw Bogu i religii w czasie i po Holokauście, „Jama. Kwartalnik studentów polonistyki ATH”, nr 2, czerwiec 2011, p. 17 – 22. (eng: “We didn’t take the evil from the God’s hand. Jewish protest against God and religion in the time of Holocaust and afterwards”)
  • Z Nowego Sącza na stolice biskupie, „Sądeczanin”, nr 1 (90), Marzec 2016, p. 86 – 88. (eng: “From Nowy Sącz to bishop’s post”)
  • Żydzi nowosądeccy w roku 1918, „Sądeczanin”, nr 1 (113), Styczeń 2018, p. 82 – 84. (eng: Jews from Nowy Sącz in 1918″)

National Higher School of Film, Television and Theatre in Łódź and New York Film Academy Author of more than a dozen of feature and animated shorts, she also tried her hand in documentaries. Her movies took part in numerous Polish and international festivals and received several awards.

Educated in creation of animated movies, she fondly develops her skill in narrative films, sometimes combining those two techniques. She is also occupied with photography, painting, set design, costumes, draws storyboards. She leads workshops and gives lectures on history of clothing, basics of movie-making, 19th-century theatrical costume and movie animation in various cultural institutions, i. a. in the Museum of King Jan III’s Palace in Wilanów, Costumology and Artistic Textile Club in Warsaw, Old Town’s Cultural Centre in Warsaw, Henryk Sienkiewicz’s Museum in Oblęgorek, Cinematography Museum in Łódź, the Higher School of Art and Design in Łódź. She worked as a main set designer during the workshops hosted by Ewa Braun (Oscar laureate) in the Łódź Film School. She collaborates with Helena Modjesa Society in United States for which she has designed and prepared an exhibition in San Juan Capistrano, California during the Helena Modjeska Week.

She eagerly studies history of the fascinating age of steam and electricity, takes pleasure in visiting museums to commune with 19th-century’s masters paintings and with masterpieces of early tailor’s art. Combining both these passions, she creates movies presenting the beauty of early clothing and their exciting history.

Her creative works can be seen at:



  • 2017 Wosna – (eng: “Spring”) feature short based on the prose of Bruno Schulz
  • 2016 Polacy Inspirują – Ignacy Łukasiewicz – (eng: “Poles inspire”) documentary short
  • 2016 Polacy Inspirują – Józef Bem – (eng: “Poles inspire”) documentary short
  • 2016 Polacy Inspirują – Rudolf Weigl – (eng: “Poles inspire”) documentary short
  • 2016 Subiektyw – costume spot of film review
  • 2015 Akademia Nowoczesnego Patriotyzmu – (eng: “Modern Patriotism Academy”) spot for the Jagiellonian Club
  • 2015 Książka życia – (eng: “Book of life”) spot promoting readership for the Vistula Museum in Kazimierz Dolny.
  • 2014 Złote Popołudnie – (eng: “Golden Afternoon”) feature sport for the Nomina Rosae Foundation
  • 2014 Sądecki sztetl – (eng: “Shtetl of Tsanz”) documentary short for the Nomina Rosae Foundation
  • 2013 Madam Helena – feature short for the, Wilanów Palace Museum, PWSFTViT.
  • 2012 Festiwal Szkół Teatralnych 2012 – (eng: “2012 Theatre Schools Festival”) short feature spot for the PWSFTViT.
  • 2011 Defetyzm siał – (eng: “Spreading defeatism”) feature short for the School Film Library.
  • 2011 R – feature short for the School Film Library
  • 2011 One minute film – feature film for the PWSFTViT.
  • 2011 W gotowalni modnej damy – (eng: “In the boudoir of a young lady”, educational feature short for the Wilanów Palace Museum.
  • 2011 Przez uchylone drzwi – (eng: “Through a door ajar”) Wilanów Palace Museum photoshoot coverage.
  • 2010 Modjeska – original script for the feature film about Helena Modrzejewska (writing scholarship of PISF).
  • 2010 17th Street – documentary short, New York Film Academy.
  • 2010 Bulbes – animated-staged music video for a song by Justyna Steczkowska, New York Film Academy.
  • 2010 W pętach gorsetów – (eng: “Shackled by the corsets”) medium-lenght 2D animated movie (PISF grant), PWSFTViT.
  • 2008 Jak Magda dotyka świata – (eng: “How Magda touches the world”) visualization of a radio feature, cinematography and special effects for Łódź Radio.
  • 2007 What I Care – music video for the Mechaniczny Kot band, 2D animation for the Fauhsil Lab.
  • 2006 Czarownica Magdalena – (eng: “Witch Magdalena”) staged-animated short fir children, PWSFTViT.
  • 2005 Dwa kolory – (eng: “Two colors”) short doll animation, PWSFTViT.
  • 2004 Na sznurkach – (eng: “On strings”) short doll animation, PWSFTViT.
Awards/International Festivals
  • 2012 W pętach gorsetów – entry and winner of the Kyoto International Student Film and Video Festival main contest, in Kyoto, Japan.
  • 2011 W pętach gorsetów – entry of the Open ST Petersburg Student Film Festival Beginning main contest in Sankt Petersburg, Russia.
  • 2011 W pętach gorsetów – entry of the Anifest International Festival of Animated Films in Teplice, Czech Republic.
  • 2010 W pętach gorsetów – nominated for the Best Film category of the International Festival of Animated Films Tofuzi in Batumi, Georgia.
  • 2008 Jak Magda dotyka świata – special award at the Radio Features Festival in Lubostroń for visualization.
  • 2008 Czarownica Magdalena – entry of the International Animated Films Festival Tindirindis main contest in Vilnius, Lithuania.
  • 2006 Czarownica Magdalena – second award at Wydmy Festival in Gdańsk.
  • 2006 Na sznurkach – entry of the International Animated Films Festival Kro in Perm, Russia.

Owner of a Company creating anti-bruglary and anti-fire security systems, CCTV, access control, intelligent building and sun power plants for 30 years. www.molenda.pl

He has completed a course for the designers and fitters of systems, securing historic, museum, sacred and others, keeping public collections of cultural goods, organized by the National Institute of Museology and Collections Protection. His Company has secured i.a ., the Convent of Poor Clares in Stary Sącz, Convent of Sisters of the Immaculate Conception in Nowy Sącz, antique little wooden churches in Dąbrówka (district of Nowy Sącz), in Powroźnik near Krynica, as well as the Abbey of Cistersians in Szczyrzyc and antique objects in the Heritage Park in Nowy Sącz.

Ha has been given, by the POLALARM Nation-wide Association of Producers and Fitters of Alarm Systems, a honorable title of the Pioneer of development of technical protection of property, remarkably meritorious for the socially-professional movement in Poland in years 1980–2000.

Amateur of history and music. Profoundly supports and participates in all of Foundation’s doings.

Dr Beata Biedrońska-Słota, an art historitian, a certified curator, member of the Commission on Art History PAU (Polish Academy of Learning); member of the presidium of the Civil Commitee of Kraków Historic Buildings Restoration, member of Costumological Commitee of CCICOM, to 2011 a head of the Textile Department of National Museum in Kraków. She earned her PhD degree thanks to thesis “Persian carpets, so-called Polish. Study of the construction and meaning of ornament in the art of the islam” written under supervision of prof. Lech Kalinowski (1985). Originator and curator of many exceptional exhibitions, i. a.: “Orient in Polish art” (1992), “Polish Armenians. Independence and integration” (2000), “Ethereal beauty. Fans from the collections of National Museum in Kraków” (2001), “After fashion throughout the centuries” (2003), “Sarmatism. Daydreams of grandeur” (2010), “Golden Age of Rzeczpospolita” (2011).

She works with educational institutions, i. a. University of John Paul II in Kraków, Univeristy of Arts in Kraków, School of Technology in Katowice. She is an author of numerous publications, i. a., catalogues of exhibitions (“Catalogue of Turkish carpets from the collections of National Museum in Kraków”, “Catalogue of pPrsian textiles from the collections of NMK”), lexicons (“Lexicon of carpetry”) and books (“After fashion throughout the centuries”, “Polish attire called ‘kontuszowy'” and scientific articles.

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