Support us

Thanks to support of our generous Benefactors we are able to continue and expand the unique educational and artistic activities of the Nomina Rosae Foundation..

Together we contribute to keeping, creating and promoting of Polish cultural heritage. Together we teach young people to perceive important interdependencies of history, culture and art and to draw the inspiration from the past to bring ethics and beauty into our contemporary life.

Conscientiously we construct the Temple of History, that will help us take good care of our historical roots as well as of our harmonious future based on dialogue, need for beauty and openness towards the world of today and challenges it presents us with.

It is your support that allowed us to create the Labyrinth of History programme, it is thanks to you that exhibitions of early garments and costumes were created as well as Foundations releases.

We bid you to continually support the activities of the Nomina Rosae Foundation – so we can continue to create and carry out new unusual activities, that will widen the knowledge of the beautiful tradition and history of the invaluable Polish culture.

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